Friday, December 31, 2010

Signature Scanning Steps Through Web Cam

Signature Scanning Steps Through Web Cam
1. Ensure that the web cam software is installed in your pc where u want to scan the signature
2. If installed then attached the web cam and trun the power on
3. Download the web cam software form SDC Chennai web site and copied in SIGN folder of
any drive.
( Prepare / Create a SIGN name folder )
4. The download SSScanner.exe file copied in the SIGN folder
5. Double click on SSScanner.exe file and entered the dopscan password
6. Noticed that one "Specimen Signature Scanning Tool" window is open
6. Take any SB category SB 3 card lot in serially
7. Select radio button of taken SB 3 card category
8. Entered the first serially account number in Account Box
( do not ented next number, it is automatically changed )
9. Adjust the web cam on SB 3 card signature
( check the web cam screen on scanning box it is properly viewed )
10. After properly viewing lthe signautre click on SCAN AND SAVE button.
( the signature is scanned & account number is automatically changed, you just scan the next
account and click on SAVE AND SCAN BUTTON )
11. After scanning all SB 3 cards CLOSE the "Specimen Signature Scanning Tool" window and
Run the Sanchay Post Software
Go to SIGN folder and noticed that all signatured scaned file size is not more than 25KB
12. Opened the SUPERVIOSR screen through SUPER
13. Go to COMMON --> Selete 0218 Signatue Scanning Option --> New-Form
14. Type the SIGN folder path in path box ( i.e. C:\SIGN or D:\SIGN )
15. Type the SSScanner.exe file name in EXE file box
16. Click on SCAN (Existing/New ) radio button
17. Press down arrow key and selecte Verified scanned file option
18. Noticed that now STORED (Existing/New ) option is highlighted
19. Press entered key and wait " Scanned Signature Is Completed ) Message
20. For signature is completed verification go to --> View and press enter key
Selecte Scheme of signature completed
Type --> Account number and press enter key
& now see the signature is shown here of all accounts.

PLI WEB software file

For running PLI WEB software kinldy download the file from following path

The PLI WEB software you can also run on broadband line. You just confirmed that the broad band static IP address is alloted to u by MTNL. Once the static IP address is registered to u and same it is shown after running on internte --> what is my ip address and see the same IP address shown. Then in Secuity the interent and intranet all options should be enabled and in
secure ip address type the --> and run the PLI softrware.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

VPP & VPL same day adjustment procedure

If VPP/VPL is left, not know, refuse then same remark will be pass.

But if VPP is paid then passed the remark as DELIVERD
( do not done shift end of MPCM and ask to postman about VPP/VPL by telephonically,
becasue he is in beat ).

If VPP/VPL is DELIVERED then pass the remark as DELIVERED and transer VP details to

On MPCM counter said VPP/VPL booked and adjust it

In TREASURY MODULE SAID VPP/VPL cash accepted against the said postman beat number & VPP/VPL form despatch on same day
So, now your office DET score is not down
Yashwant R C.
sys admin



Many time operator wrongly selected same counter number and try to done the WORK ALLOCATION. Otherwise MPCM shown the error THIS COUNTER NUMBER ALLRADY ALLOTTED TO OTHER USER. But actually there is no any OPERATOR running the said coutner number. For this error go to --> SUPERVISOR --> TOOLS --> DELETE INACTIVE COUNTER --> here type that the said coutner number and click on ok. Now clik on WORK ALLOCATION AND SELECT THE SAID COUNTER --> & SELECTE MPCM OPERATOR NAME .

During MPCM working time running operatror does not shown in login as

During MPCM working time running operatror does not shown in login as

Many MPCM operator facing this problem, when he running his/her counter at afternoon the name of operator does not shown in LOGIN AS. This happened due to --> In the morning when SUPERVIOSR doen the WORK ALLOCATION to operator POINT OF SALE automatically adjusted the 8 hrs. duty to operators & OPERATOR start his work, but when his duty time exceeded the adjusted duty hours, then his name does not shown in the LOGIN AS. So for this go to SUPERVIOSR --> WORK ALLOCATION --> MODIFY and select the operator time and increase the TO TIME. Now hir/her name again shown in the LOGIN AS.
Otherwise in the morning when SUPERVIOSR done the WORK ALLOCATION that time he select the operator name and change the TO TIME. (i.e. increase the duty more than 8 hrs. )

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eMO new Enhancements

New Enhancements of eMO dtd. 14.12.2010
What are the new enhancements?
1. Faster transmission:
Currently in a single call only 100 money orders will be transmitted to the central server. This takes time to clear the transmission of money orders to central server in bigger offices. After the new upgrade Booked eMOs up to 500 will be transmitted through eMO client to central server in a single call.
2. User friendly Options in eMO Supervisor:
option is to be used only details are already updated in central server but due to restoring of old database backup or any other reason; details are not updated in local database and are coming for invoicing etc. If an eMO is marked as then the same will not come for disaster paid entry/ redirection/ invoicing.
A new option for viewing/ removing the eMOs from is provided. If some eMOs are made as erroneously and later on it was found that these eMOs are to be disposed off, this option can be used so that they will come for and .
3. Simplified use of Disaster Recovery Option:
Currently some difficulties are faced while using disaster recovery to clear paid eMOs. If the submit accounts was not done properly in Postman module then those eMO will not come for disaster recovery. Hence in order to expedite the clearing the legacy data easily submit accounts is disabled .Hence one can easily clear the eMO through Disaster Recovery even though submit account was not done for those eMOs This will apply to the eMOs booked up to 31.10.2010
4.Additional Information in Diaster recovery option:
In Disaster recovery additional information like Booking Date is given and eMOs will be displayed according to Booking Date. This will facilitate to identify eMOs accurately.
5. More Reports for Monitoring:
Reports such as eMOs Pending for / by eMO supervisor and eMOs marked as are provided. Using these reports the list of pending eMOs which are not yet verified by the supervisor can be checked. Upon checking this report, the eMOs can be verified for that particular date in verification option so that those eMOs will be updated as paid in the server. These reports are available both for Supervisor and Operator
6. Additional Print facility:
Due to printer or other reason if any of the pages is not printed correctly then operator has to again print all the pages relating to that Bulk list. To solve this Page-wise printing for bulk payees provided.
7. Track facility in the Client:
Search option is provided for knowing status of Local EMOs under Tools menu.
8. Additional information in Paid intimation report:
eMO Paid intimation report is used by Booking PO to know the paid information regarding an eMO booked at that PO. Previously office at which a particular eMO is paid is not known in eMO paid intimation report. Now Paying pin code at which the eMO is paid is included in eMO Paid intimation report and will be available for eMO information received after eMO up gradation.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dispatch Module Operation stpes

Dispatch Module Operation Steps
Run the Dispatch Module and assure that the Versions is 6.6.2 showing
How to configure your Dispatch Module
A] Go to Master →
Select Supervisor and entered his Password.
Create a User
Entered the No. Dispatch ( in delivery office is 2 and non delivery office is 1 )
Entered the HVMO amount - ( i.e. 399 ) don't change
Bag Type – No Change
Bundle Type – No Change
Due Bag - Click On Add Button and Entered the Bag Name ( i.e. SPCC Mumbai 99 etc. , Pincode, Bag Type, Dispatch No & Office Type
Allot Pin range - If you know the correct pincode range of all India so entered here otherwise leave it blank.
Special Journal - Entered here the Special Journal user name and address.
B] → Tools
Delete deposit article → If articles are found here in deposit and these article is already dispatched from your office, then delete these article, otherwise you don't kept article as deposit, all article should be dispatch.
Upload Special Journal → If any special journal user supplied data from email, CD & pen-drive then select the special journal user, entered the code and select the path of file. → Click on upload for uploading data.
C] Report → Take the various report here.
For Dispatch operation Go to → Operator
Go to Tool → do the Shift begin
Go to Data Entry →
a] Article from other source → Click on Add → Entered here SO/BO articles OR other than SO/BO articles.
b] Special Journal User → Select the Special journal user → Entered Code of Special journal user and Select Type of articles → Entered the Receipt no From – To and click on OK → ( Now one more screen is open ) here u are entered the destination of each article and pincode
Receipt →
a] Receipt from Counter / Special Journal / BOs → Selecte (All other than HVMO ) in fetch from and click on FETCH button. After viewing all articles ensure that all articles are viewed and now click on Select All and finally click on Receive button and click on Close
b] Receipt from Deposit article - If articles found in deposit Select the all article and Receive and close it.
c] Fetch form Postman - Click here and fetch the Postman Beat dispatched articles for dispatch –. (after viewing the all articles) click on Select All → then click on Fetch to dispatch & finally click on Close
Prepare →
a] Auto Sorting → If you entered the all articles pincode during the booking as well as you have entered the correct pincode range in despatch module run this option, otherwise leave it
b] Bundle / Bag → [ Before using this option you ensure that manually you have sorted the
all articles as per destination and if have more than three article to same destination, then
you have prepare the bundle for this destination ]
For bundle preparation → Click on prepare Bundle → Click on New Bundle → Select RB or IB bundle → Entered the Station Name and Pincode and Click on OK → ( Now noticed that the below Search Option is highlighted and In Search option you select All & Click on FETCH button. After viewing the below all articles select the particular bundle article and transfer right side → After viewing bundle articles in right side Click on Select All & Click on Prepare Bundle. Finally close the this screen and follow the same procedure to another bundle.
After preparation all bundles if you want to add the articles in prepared bundle → Go to prepare bundle → and select PREPARED BUNDLE and here you add the article as per bundle list before adding in bag.
Same procedure follow to Speed post. After preparation of Bundle go to directly Report menu → Select Bundle/Dispatch/Deposit List → In Report Type Select Bundle list →
Select Despatch No and Type → Click On Fetch Details and as per the bag wise prepare the report
Now again go to Prepare Bundle/Bag
Here Click on Prepare Bag → In Due bag details select REGB → In bag name selcte CRC Dadar Stg & Click on FIX BAG button. Now noticed here other than BUNDLE other all articles are viewed here. Select the CRC Dadar article and transfer in right side. Now Click on Search By and Select Bundles and Click on Fecth. Now noticed that here all Bundles articles are views. So only CRC Dadar Stg. Bundles are selected and transfer in right hand side → Click on Select All & Click on Prepare Bag. ( i.e. you are prepared here a CRC Dadar Stg with bundles and single single articles )
So... above same steps follows to CRC Dadar All up........
Now again Go to Bag Type → Selecte Parcel → & now same above steps follow to IPD I & IPD IV
After this
again Go to Bag Type → Select Speed → & same same above steps follow for Mumbai SPCC ( domestic ) and Mumbai SPCC ( International ) Here you entered the Bag number for dispatch
For EPP → This bag goes to Mumbai GPO. So, Bag Name select Mumbai GPO and prepare a bag.
5] HVMO list →
a] Prepare HVMO Bundle → Entered the Station name and pincode and Click on OK → Select the Bundle HVMOs → Click on Prepare and Close it
b] Prepare HVMO List → Entered the Station name and Click on OK → Select the HVMOs and bundle as per CRC Dadar Stg and CRC Dadar Stg All Up and click on prepare and close it.
c] Deposit –> Add the articles from deposit menu.
6] Report → Ensure that here your all procedure of dispatch articles is completed then you Go to Report → Select Bundle/Dispatch/Deposit List → In Report Type Select Dispatch list → Select Despatch No and Type → Click On Fetch Details and as per the bag wise prepare the report one by one of REGB, SPEED, PARCEL & EVPP
Then Go to Abstact → in Abstract Type Select REGB Abstract → In Abstract Side Select Both Side and ensure that your abstract is tallied with as per your receiving and dispatching articles .
Same procedure follow to Sped, Parcel & EPP
Finally done the Shift end after Point of Sale shift end

Thursday, December 9, 2010

RD intrest calculation steps

Compound Interest Caluclation:
IfP is the principal (the money you start with, your first deposit) r is the annual rate of interest as a decimal (5% means r = 0.05)
n is the number of years you leave it on deposit
A is how much money you've accumulated after n years, including interest.
If the interest is compounded once a year:
A = P(1 + r)n
If the interest is compounded q times a year:
A = P(1 + r/q)nq
RegardsSDC Chennai

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Go to Sanhay Post - Project Arrow - - (transaction time report )
then Selecte SB PA name entered today date and clik on OK button
( watch here SB PA whole day operation report is genereated ) now follow
this steps to all SB PA.
Secondly button and then selecte SB BRANCH KPIS button now hereenteered
only today date and generate the whole office SB REPORT

1. SpeedNet:
2. Postman3. Point of Sale4. Despatch5. Treasury ( After day end then, generate the daily account )


Run the Account MIS ( i.e. DET ) Cick on Transaction Date & Click on OK button
Now noticed that DET HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED message shown on screen . If your office internet connection is not functioning your office DET has not been transmitted and stoed in PENDING FILE FOLDER. If next your office internet connection is functioning then run DET and entered yestered date ( i.e. DET not transmitted date ) and CLICK on "TRANSMIT PENDING FILE " option

Run Internet Explorer -> Type web site address -> go to Quicklinks ->
Selecte Account MIS -> ( Now watch one more screen open with user id and passowrd )
here entered The Login ID is - dop ( small letter ) & Password is - accts ( small letter )
( Now here also open a new screen and selecte one by one option as per following steps
Click on Office Detail -
Cirlce name - Selecte Maharashtra ,
Region name - Selecte Mumabi
Division name - Selecte Mumbai City North East Dn.,
Date : Click on calender and selecte today date
Phase - Selecte Fifth
File - Received
NOW move the horizontal scroll bar right side and Click on VIEW REPORT
here you can see your office name

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Date : 25.11.2010

Dear SAs

Negative list dtd 31.10.2010 available on

Kindly download in C:\Program Files\DBAnalyzer folder and DOUBLE CLICK


Thanking U

Monday, November 22, 2010

Precautionary Information of Meghoot Account MIS Client :-
The following modules should be operated carefully and day end in these modules should happen through software daily in order to transmit the Project Arrow data (DET)
1. SpeedNet: Work in Speednet module should be completed first before performing day end in
either Point of Sale/Postman/Despatch modules. There is no need to perform day end in
speednet module, but
a) if any BNPL articles are there, Data entry for those BNPL articles should be done
b) Flushing of Data should be done.
c) Returns of all the Speed Post articles invoiced to Postman beats on that date should be
2. Postman
3. Point of Sale
4. Despatch
5. Treasury
In Head Offices, if for any reasons, Sub accounts application is re-installed, the Meghdoot Accounts MIS Client also needs to be re-installed.
Viewing the MIS
Once data has been transmitted successfully, the MIS generated from that data can be viewed at the web address:
The Login ID and Password are dop and accts respectively.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New DBAnalyzer of dtd. 02.09.2010 & features

Recent additions in DBAnalyzer >> Reports1. Provision to update PAN Card details for SCS accounts2. Separate LoT for NREGS / IGNOAPS / IGNWPS / IGNDPS3. Reports in connection with AML - Reports for SB, MIS, TD, SCS, NSC and KVP deposits/opening and withdrawals/closure transactions are available under 'Income tax report' option.4. List of Branch offices5. List of Accounts BO wise6. Provision to modify agent license expiry date is made available in 'RD Accounts - Agent-wise' option

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

IMO Booking and Delivery procedure

Instant Money Order Service (iMO) - the instant domestic Money transfer Service


India Post presents Instant Money Order (iMO), the instant on-line money transfer service that is instant, convenient,reliable and affordable.
IMO is an instant web based money transfer service through Post Offices (iMO Centre) in India between two resident individuals in Indian territory.
You can transfer money from INR 1,000/- to INR 50,000/- from designated iMO Post Offices.
It is simple to send and receive money.
iMO Booking Procedure
Fill up the “To Remit Payment” (TRP-1) form and submit it with money at iMO Post Office Counter. iMO Counter clerk after booking the iMO immediately will give a printed receipt with computer generated confidential 16 digit iMO number in a sealed condition. Even the 16 digit iMO number will not be known to booking clerk. Customer is required to tear off the seal and convey the confidential 16 digit iMO number to the receiver over phone, SMS, e-mail, etc. at his means and risk.
iMO delivery Procedure
Receiver to present the 16 digit iMO number at any designated iMO post office counter and will fill up and submit a “To Make Payment” (TMP-1) form along with a copy of his personal identity proof. Receiver can receive the payment in cash upto INR 50,000. He can also receive the payment through his post office savings bank account in the same iMO office.
Remittance Commission INR
1000-5000 -> 150
5001-10000 -> 170
10001-15000 -> 190
15001-20000 -> 210
20001-25000 -> 230
25001-30000 -> 250
30001-35000 -> 270
35001-40000 -> 290
40001-45000 -> 310
45001-50000 -> 330

Photo Identity
1.Voter’s I-Card
2.PAN Card
3.Ration Card with photo of the receiver
4.Post Office Identity Card
5.Driving License
7.School/college i.d8.Official i.d In case the Photo I.-Card has a valid expiry date the same is to be mentioned in ‘To Make Payment’ (TMP-1) Form

(You can choose one standardized message from the list below with your iMO without additional charges)
01. Wish you a speedy recovery
02. Wish you all success in your studies
03. Hearty Congratulations on New Arrival
04. Our sincere condolence
05. Happy Birthday
06. Heartiest Congratulations on the Distinction conferred on you.
07. Best Wishes for Your Success.
08. Congratulations.
09. Pongal Greetings.
10. Grehapravesh Mubarak
11. Heartiest Gur Purab Greetings
12. Diwali Greetings
13. Heartiest Greetings on Nav-roz
14. Id Mubarak
15. Ganapati Festival Greetings
16. Dussehera Greetings
17. Christmas Greetings
18. Happy New Year
19. Holi Greetings
20. Many Happy Returns of the Day
21. Happy Anniversary
22. Best Wishes for a Pleasant Journey
23. Wedding Greetings
24. Wish you a successful trip abroad
25. Wedding Anniversary Greetings
26. Rakhi Greetings
27. Bhai Dooj Greetings
28. Onam Greetings
29. Bihu Greetings
30. Annaprassam Greetings
31. Mundan Greetings
32. Thread Ceremony Greetings
33. Chhat Puja Greetings

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Released POS Update 4 and Negative list dtd. 30.06.2010

Dear SAs
New POS update 4 and Negative list dtd.30.06.2010 also available on ftp site of PTC Mysore.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Procedure of how to feed Registration Closures / Transfers

Project Arrow Group contains the following forms:
1) Request Registration Closures
2) Request Registration Transfers
3) Request Registration Other Office
4) Status updation – Closures
5) Status Updation - Xfrd In
6) Status Updation - Xfrd Out
7) Status Updation - Other Office
8) Reports

1) Request Registration Closures
Step1: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/SCSS
Step2: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction / Claim Closure
Step3: Type Account Number
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
2) Request Registration Transfers
Step 1: Select 'Request From' >> Customer / DAK
In 'Request From' >> Customer Option
Step 2: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/ SCSS
Step 3: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction / Claim Closure
Step 4: Type Account Number
In 'Request From' >> DAK
Step 2: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/SCSS
Step 3: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction/ Claim Closure
Step 4: Type Account Number
Step 5: Type the 'AT No' and 'Date'
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
3) Request Registration Other Office
Step1: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/ SCSS
Step2: 'Office where account Stands'
Step3: Type Account Number
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
4) Status updation - Closures
Step 1: Type the 'Request id'
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Account No, End Date & Time,
Remarks will be displayed.
Step 2: Verify the details and click on send button.
5) Status Updation - Xfrd In
Step1: Type the ’Request id’
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Transfer Request by, Account No,
End Date & Time, will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
6) Status Updation - Xfrd Out
Step1: Type the ’Request id’
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Transfer Request by,
Account No., End Date & Time, will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
7) Status Updation - Other Office
Step1: Type the ’Request id’
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Office where account stands,
Account No, End Date & Time will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks, RL No. and date
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
8) Reports
1. Transactions performed by a person.
2. SB branch KPIs
3. Customer Request status

eMail address of Divisional Office

eMail Address - /

Saturday, July 3, 2010

SDC Chennai email address for any query related with SB


01. open website
02. For first time you have create one user name and password by clicking register button on
left side.
03. login with your user name and password
04. in the options select support case manager.
05. enter Product no (ex: NA*****) and sl no of CPU (EX: INA*******)
06. Click on next
07. if ur cpu exist in warranty it wil ask ur contact address and problem description.
08. enter the details of the hard ware which have problem ( for example if keyboard not working
enter the model of the keyboard i.e ps/2 or usb)
09. after completion click on submit to generate the case id.
Toll Free No: 1800 11 22 67

Friday, July 2, 2010


Dear All,
It is requested to all sub offices every day feed the delivery or undelivery information on IPSWEB site. The feeding operation steps are as under
1. Start internet explorer
2. Type web site address as
3. Enter your office username & password and click on login button ( usernme and passord in
small letter )
4. After viewing the ipsweb home page the default page is open of speenet. If you are try to feed
the information of registered letter, speepost or parcel, then click on proper option at top side

Recording final delivery of an item
When an item is delivered successfully, you use IPS Web to record the details about the delivery. For example, you record the date and time the item was delivered, the location where it was delivered, and the person who signed for it.

Procedure In the Identifier field, enter the item identifier. You can scan the barcode or type the information. You can press the Enter key on your computer's keyboard to move to the next field.
The Date & Time fields automatically display the current date and time, but you can change these settings if necessary. If you click the small checkbox to the left of a field, the system keeps any value you enter in the field and applies it automatically to the next items you enter.
In the Signatory field, type the name of the person or organization to whom the item was delivered. If you will enter more items with this same signatory, you can check the small checkbox to the left of the field and the system will remember this setting and apply it to the next items you enter. This information is optional.

In the Location field, type the location where the item was delivered, such as an office name. If you will enter more items with this same location, you can check the small checkbox to the left of the field and the system will remember this setting and apply it to the next items you enter. This information is optional.

Click the Add button. The item is displayed in the list box in the lower part of the window.
To enter additional items to send, repeat this procedure. Each new item you add appears in the list box. If you want to remove an item, select the radio button next to the item and click the Remove button.

When you have finished adding items, click the Store button.
If any of the items you added contain incorrect data, an error message displays. The item containing the error remains in the item list and the Error message column describes the reason for the error. You must correct the error and store the item again.
Recording attempted deliveries
When you cannot deliver an item, you use IPS Web to record information about the delivery attempt. You can record the reason why the item could not be delivered and the non-delivery measure. The non-delivery measure is simply a brief description of the next action to be taken, or a more detailed description of the delivery failure. For example, if an item could not be delivered because the addressee could not be located, the non-delivery measure could be to return the item to the sender, or to hold the item while attempting to find the addressee. There are specific non-delivery measures associated with each non-delivery reason, and they are maintained by the UPU.
In the Identifier field, enter the item identifier. You can scan the barcode or type the information. You can press the Enter key on your computer's keyboard to move to the next field.
The Date & Time fields automatically display the current date and time, but you can change these settings if necessary. If you click the small checkbox to the left of a field, the system keeps any value you enter in the field and applies it automatically to the next items you enter.
In the Non Delivery Reason field, use the drop-down list to specify the reason why the item could not be delivered. If you will enter more items with this same non-delivery reason, you can check the small checkbox to the left of the field and the system will remember this setting and apply it to the next items you enter.
In the Non Delivery Measure field, use the drop-down list to specify the non delivery measure. If you will enter more items with this same non-delivery reason, you can check the small checkbox to the left of the field and the system will remember this setting and apply it to the next items you enter.
Click the Add button. The item is displayed in the list box in the lower part of the window.
To enter additional items to send, repeat this procedure. Each new item you add appears in the list box. If you want to remove an item, select the radio button next to the item and click the Remove button.
When you have finished adding items, click the Store button.
If any of the items you added contain incorrect data, an error message displays. The item containing the error remains in the item list and the Error message column describes the reason for the error. You must correct the error and store the item again.