Sunday, June 29, 2014


Function Key Shortcut In Finacle

F1           Field Level Help
F2           List

F3          Esc   Quit/Back

F4         Accept

F5        Background Menu

F6        Next block/ Next Page

F9       View Signatures

F10     Commit

F11     Validates & takes the user to Next Field.

ShortCut Key Combinations For Finacle

TAB/Enter    Next Field

CTRL + X    Paste current date

CTRL + D    Page Down

CTRL + U    Page UP

CTRL + E    Explode/Drilldown

CTRL + F    Clear Field

SHIFT + F4  Select from list



Tips To Complete EOD Successfully Without Issues

  • Do the transaction by Counter Operator carefully without mistake.
  • Each and every Transactions should be verified by Supervisor immediately.
  • Use HFTI to check whether any unverified transactions are listed.

Process Of EOD

1) HSVALRPT  SOL VAL Reports(Execution Level 3) > Submit
2) HPR > To See the Validation run Report(Click validation run report then click printscreen)
3) HSCOD - To Change Date (No.Of Parallel SOLs 1, then click Submit)

4) HSSI - Inquire on SOL status (See EOD Event status it shows SCOD running,After some times its shows EOD event not in progress then go tonext menu)

5) HSOLCOP - SOL Closure (No.Of Parallel SOLs 1, then click Submit )

6) HSSI - Inquire on SOL status (See EOD Event status it shows SOLCOP running,After some times its shows EOD event not in progress then go to next menu)

7) HSCOLD - SOL Closure for Last Day (No.Of Parallel SOLs 1, then click Submit )

8) HSSI - Inquire on SOL status (See EOD Event status it shows SCOLD running,After some times its shows EOD event not in progress).

Here Closure Date is TODAY date, BOD is Tomorrow Date, Last Successful SOL closure is alsoTODAY date, Next Working date is Day after tomorrow date. Closure is CLOSED, EOD Eventstatus is EOD event not in progress


Saturday, June 14, 2014

 System Configuration for Implementation of CBS

The minimum configuration required for installation of Core banking solution by InfoSys would be as below:

 Agent Portal Tutorials - Video and Power Point

Agent Portal Tutorial - Video and Power Point

Agent Training PPT file and Video file download Link has been added with PoTools domain.

Power Point Download Link

Video Tutorial Download link


 CBS Finacle Menu List Modulewise

CBS Finacle Menu List Module wise

Sridhar . R Prepared Menu List of Finacle Module wise. Download the Menu List Document from PoTools and take the printout.

Download Finacle Menu List


anchay Post 7.5 SP1 Released by SDC

Sachay Post 7.5 SP1 by SDC

Software Development Centre (SDC), Chennai released ServicePack1 for SanchayPost 7.5 for incorporating new features and changing some existing rules. The features of new service pack are shown below. The new Service Pack along with documentation can be downloaded from the following download link.

Version 7.5 Service Pack 1- Installation & FAQ (10/06/2014)

Download Link


SDC Chennai


 Installation instruction of Sanchay Post 7.5 Service Pack 1

Installation instruction of Sanchay Post 7.5 SP1


The Sanchay Post version 7.5 should be successfully installed,  upgrade database  should be  completed  without  any  error  and  Interest  Rate  Update  tool_2014  should  be successfully upgraded. If Interest Rate Update tool is not installed then PPF and RD features will not be functioning correctly.  Sanchay Post version 7.0 should not be available in the system.

Precautionary Actions: 

  • Sanchay Post version 7.0 should be uninstalled.
  • Sanchay Post version7.5 should be installed.
  • Upgrade _DB should be executed without any error.
  • Interest  Rate  Update  Tool  _2014  should  be  updated successfully.
  • All  the  necessary  back  up  (s)  should  be  taken  in  external storage  (Ex:  DVD,  External  HD)  unit  with  one  copy  at Divisional Office.
Note : If failed to follow the above instructions , SDC will not provide further support.

Steps for installation

Server Machine:

ServicePack1  for  SanchayPost  7.5.msp  should  be  installed  and  Upgrade  DB  –  PPF, RD should be executed.

Client Machines:

ServicePack1 for SanchayPost 7.5.msp should be installed.  Do not run Upgrade DB – PPF, RD. 


 Features - ServicePack1 for SanchayPost 7.5

Features - SanchayPost 7.5 ServicePack1

  1. Provision for generating BO wise NREGA LOT report
  2. “Zero”  -  Annual  Interest  will  be  calculated  and  posted  for  accounts  classified  as  “Accounts excluded  from  Annual  Interest  Calculation”  and  the  same  will  be  removed  from  error  files generated during IBB report and Annual Interest Calculations.
  3. Lock  up  period  of  6  months  for  TD  accounts  has  been  removed  and  when  TD  Account  is closed before first one year, Savings Rate of interest is to be paid for completed months.  ( Viz. SB order No: 5/2014)
  4. Minimum  Amount  for  opening  of  PPF  Account  will  be  Rs.100/-  for  opened  via  cheque  and cash. (Viz. SB order No: 5/2014)
  5. For  RD  accounts  opened  through  cheque  and  subsequent  deposit  by  cheque,  the  date  of clearance of  cheque  is  to be  taken  as date  of  deposit  instead  of  date  of  acceptance.  (Viz.  SB order No: 5/2014)
  6. Supervisor should be able to edit nomination details in DE certificates.
  7. SCSS Interest is  to be credited on 31st March, 30th June, 30th Sept. and 31st December Day End instead of Day Begin. (Viz. SB order No: 5/2014)
  8. When last day of the quarter falls on a holiday, then SCS SI entries  should not  be  executed during day begin on the previous day. (Viz. SB order No: 5/2014)
  9. Provision for AADHAR ID in RD Bulk
  10. NREGS FTO wise report will be available.
  11. SB-Silent  accounts  are  removed  for  error  file  (sbincler.txt)  in  IBB  report  of  SB  Interest Calculation screen in Online module.
  12. Provision for selecting Additional IDs in Online and Data Entry Certificates.
  13. Fix for slowness during NREGA FTO processing.
  14. Fix for error during NREGA printing.
  15. Fix for Certificates screen hanging occasionally when there are more than 4 users.
  16. Fix for not showing details of report under SB reports menu of SOSB.
  17. Fix for select denomination 50000 is included in Data Entry for Certificates, KVP screen.
  18. Fix for KVP and NSC screens not loading when password is set for the same in Bulk Entry.
  19. Fix for Amount not tallying in Online NSC IX when certificate is issued using cheque.
  20. Length of Certificate suffix has been enhanced from 6 to 8 (for NSC , NSC IX in online module

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Helpdesk Model

1.       Who should contact the helpdesk?

•        User

2.       How should the user contact the helpdesk?

•        Phone (1800 103 9474)
•        E-mail (