Saturday, March 29, 2014
Meghdoot 7 Update 9.1 Released by CEPT
MM 7 Update 9
ParcelNet Update29032014( Meghdoot Version 7.9.1 )
Modified Modules :
Point of Sale
RNet Communication
Download for Post Office
Download - CEPT FTP Post Office
Download - Post Office Support File
Upgrade Instructions
- Please take backup of all related databases after completion of the day’s work before proceeding for going for up-gradation of this update.
- Please go through the User Guide for Parcel Net (provided separately for Post Offices and Parcel Hubs) before attempting for installation/up-gradation
Sequence for Post Offices
Please upgrade in the order given below without altering the sequence(
ePayment has to be upgraded first then only Postman Has to be upgraded)
- Run eCounter27032014.exl file with script tool.
- Run ECounter_POCodes_26022014.exl file with script tool
- Run eVPPincodes_26022014.exl file with script tool
- Replace existing ePaymentClient.exe with new one.
Point of Sale and Despatch
- Replace the existing PointOfSale.exe with the new PointOfSale.exe in installation path.
- Upgrade the Counter database with the exl files available in the folder.
- Copy the Cash.Dll to the Point Of Sale Client installation path and register the dll.
- Replace the existing Despatch.exe with the new Despatch.exe in PointOfSale Client installation path.
- Replace existing Postman.exe with new one.
- Replace existing EMODelivery.dll with new one.
- Replace existing EVPDelivery.dll with new one.
- Register both EMODelivery.dll and EVPDelivery.dll
- Run Postman-1.exl and Postman-2.exl with script tool.(Please ensure ePayment already upgraded)
- Rename the existing Treasurer.exe and copy the new Treasurer.exe in the same location.
- First Run the Treasury_1.exl file and then Treasury_2.exl file with script tool.
RNet Communication
- Replace existing RNet Communication exe with the new one.
- Then give request for Office Master using the below options
- Tools > Get Office Master and then call server
- Tools >Get Hub Master and then call server
BNPL-Parcel (New application)
- Run the setup for fresh installation and install the application in the BNPL-Parcel system.
- Replace existing PBC_Project.exe with new one according to the system type (whether 32 -bit or 64-bit)
- Run BNPLPARCEL2403014.exl file using Script tool.
- Run POCodes24032014.exl file using Script tool.
(Separate document is available for implementing the Bulk Booking Process in both Post offices and Parcel Booking Centres)
- Run eMO 7.9.1.exl file using Script tool.
- Run NREGAEMO 7.9.1.exl file using Script tool.