Saturday, June 29, 2013

eMO Version 7 Update 8

Written By Admin , PoTools on Saturday, June 29, 2013 | 29.6.13

ReadMe for eMO Version 7 Update 8 
Ensure that your eMO database was already upgraded with that of available in rar file 
at .

New Features:
------------- --- 
  1. Handling of CPSMS

Applications upgradation Procedure:

 a. Stop eMO Client application.
 b. Replace existing emoclient.exe available in installation path with the new version provided

Database upgradation Procedure (Using Script tool):

 a. Take the backup of NREGAeMO database.
 b. Stop eMO Client and SanchayPost applications to ensure that NREGAEMO database                  is not in use.   
 c. Double click on the ScriptTool.exe.
 d. Give the Database Server Name.Check WindowsAutentication Checkbox if required.
 e. Execute the script NregaemoVer7Update8.exl.

To Download from FTP

Friday, June 28, 2013

Execution of SCS - SI entries for 30/06/2013

  • Unzip the file to DBAnalyzer folder in server.
  • Logout of Sanchay Post from all the clients and server.
  • Backup POST database
  • Execute "JuneScs_Si.exe"
  • This exe should be executed before day-end of 29/06/2013
  • The exe will display the total amount after finishing SI posting. This amount should be added to the counter transactions LOT.
  • This exe will work upto 06/07/2013. If executed after 29/06/2013, the SI amount will be reflected in the LOT of the date of execution.

Click here to download patch file from SDC, Chennai

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Interest Rate Changes - All Schemes (27/06/2013)



This patch updates interest rates of all schemes including RD & NSC.

-- Unzip and copy the exe file to DBAnalyzer folder
-- Run the exe from DBAnalyzer folder itself.
-- Enter name of the SB Server and click 'OK'.
-- A message will be displayed for each scheme.
-- Continue clicking on 'OK' until the message 'Interest rates updation completed successfully' is displayed.

If any other message or error code is displayed, email the error code to SDC for solution.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Negative List Updation Patch - Updated upto 31/05/2013
This patch file updates the negative list available in Sanchay Post software. To confirm updation, use the "Database Discrepancies >> NSC >> Details of Negative List Updation" option available in DBAnalyzer software.
The file 'NL_20130531.exe' should be copied to DBAnalyzer folder and executed after completion of day's transactions. This will update the negative list upto 31/05/2013  in Sanchay Post.

In addition to Negative List, updations relating to PINCODE details are also done in the database. Hence, execution of this patch will take longer than the usual updation time. System Administrators should ensure that the server is not switched off till successful execution of the patch.

Downloadable from FTP site of PTC, Mysore.
DBAnalyzer for Sanchay Post

DBAnalyzer has a new feature to generate a consolidated report of all discrepancies in the database. Unzip the additional exe & all the DLL files included in the DBAnalyzer zip file and copy to the DBAnalyzer folder.

NOTE: Generation of Consolidated Report is a TIME CONSUMING PROCESS. All offices are advised to generate this report after completing the daily routines like DAY-END process, Database Backup, etc.
Email issues related to this software to

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Negative List Updation Patch - Updated upto 30/04/2013
This patch file updates the negative list available in Sanchay Post software. To confirm updation, use the "Database Discrepancies >> NSC >> Details of Negative List Updation" option available in DBAnalyzer software.
The file 'NL_20130430.exe' should be copied to DBAnalyzer folder and executed after completion of day's transactions. This will update the negative list upto 30/04/2013  in Sanchay Post.

In addition to Negative List, updations relating to PINCODE details are also done in the database. Hence, execution of this patch will take longer than the usual updation time. System Administrators should ensure that the server is not switched off till successful execution of the patch.

Downloadable from FTP site of PTC, Mysore.