Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sanchay Post Installation in Windows-7

Installation in Windows-7
Fresh installation of Sanchay Post in systems running Windows 7 and Sql Server 2008 R2 Express.

While installing SQL Express Edition, select default instance and security as 'Mixed Mode Authentication'.

1) Install Sanchay Post Version 6.5 (from Sanchay Post new sites CD) in the server.

2) Create the databases using 'Sanchay Post >> Database Operations' option.

3) Run 'Sanchay Post >> Database Operations >> Patch for SPUser'

4) Run 'Sanchay Post >> Database Operations >> BPRO Updates'

5) Run 'Sanchay Post >> Database Operations >> Patch for negative list'

6) Login as 'SUPERUSER' in online module for the first time using default login (BPRO/BPROP)

7) Create new users and enter office details in 'PO Name and address' & 'Set default PO Name' forms.

8) Upgrade to Version 6.5R2 as per the instructions given in the website.

9) Check for missing tables / upgradation status using DBAnalyzer with latest update.

'Fatal disk error'. During the running Sanachay Post

Fatal Disk Error / Virus Alert (1)
A number of Offices running Sanchay post have been complaining of an error received when they try to logon to the Sanchay Post module viz. 'Fatal disk error'.
The problem mentioned is due to a virus named 'Sality'.
Symptoms of ‘Sality’ virus infection:-
An error ‘Fatal disk error’ is shown when Sanchay Post is started.
Postv5.exe is size is above 50 kb.
If reinstalled, Sanchay Post runs only once, but fails with 'Fatal disk error' from the next time onwards. To solve the problem, backup all databases and then scan/clean the system with updated antivirus software.
To prevent this problem, ensure that antivirus software is updated regularly.